Headlines suggest Trump reversed
Obama’s damage in a week, but tell that to millions still without jobs, or thousands
who lost loved ones in the many terrorists events, including 9/11 or the
Christian refugees sent back to face persecution in the Middle East.
10 years ago a smooth talking senator
from Illinois, with no track record of accomplishments and no tracks to see
where he was coming from, excited liberals and deceived many conservatives for
a detour that many now see as devastating. The overlooked lesson is, where are ‘leaders’ coming from? This is a
question we should ask about future leaders, especially the one whom the Bible
suggests will be the next world leader.
When asked about the end of the world
in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. It’s is a classic with the great kingdoms of the
world shown in Daniel 2 as an image of a man, but so we don’t miss the lesson,
they are repeated in Daniel 7 as fierce beasts of prey, and with so many
details that we can hardly miss their identity or lessons.
The lion, bear, leopard and dragon in
Daniel 7 represent the successive empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome.
Daniel’s imagery fits world history hundreds, even 1000 years before it
unfolded, and we also see relevant to an impending New World Order as a little
horn becomes great.
#1. Daniel saw a ‘little
horn’ growing out of the 4th beast. The papacy grew out of the Roman
Empire as it fell.
#2. The little horn uprooted
three horns, Dan 7:8. They were the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths, 493 – 538
#3. “He shall speak great
words against the Most High.” Dan 7:25. One title is “Lord God the Pope.”
#4. The little horn “made war with
the saints and prevailed against them.” Dan 7:21. Historians say the papacy
martyred 50-100 million in their ‘Dark Ages’ supremacy. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs pdf online. Were it not for men like Luther and discoveries of the New World
by Columbus and the press by Gutenberg, true faith would be extinct today.
#5. The little horn “shall think to
changes times and laws.” Dan 7:25. The Ten Commandments tell us to remember the
Sabbath day as a memorial of God’s creation when He rested on the 7th
day. Constantine was a pagan sun worshiper, but the bishop of Rome knew how to
get along, and he blessed Sunday for which there is no biblical support. The
book of Acts shows the apostles’ practice with nine references to Sabbath,
three say “every Sabbath,” but “first day” is found only once when Paul was
leaving and preached all night.
Nevertheless, the papacy boasts of
Sunday as a mark of their authority to change the Sabbath because most churches
side with tradition rather than the Bible as the rule of faith. As the mark of
Rome’s authority, Sunday will become “the mark of the beast” when the pope
rides or guides global government (Rev 17:3) in spite of the most solemn
warning of plagues in Revelation 14 where judgment is the Greek word, krisis.
The Chinese character for crisis is
danger + opportunity. To be wise, we should look at the issues before the
crisis comes, because people in a crisis tend to stampede with the majority
which is usually wrong. Now is the time to understand the issues because Daniel
saw the kingdom given to Christ in the context of the ‘great words of the
little horn.’ Daniel 7.
The pope had ‘great words’ for US
Congress against the US Constitution that says Congress shall make no law
respecting the establishment of religion. The pope is promoting Sunday. His
encyclical, Laudato Si’ can be read
online. Paragraph 237 is about the blessing of the Eucharist, a doctrine that
says the priest’s blessing changes the wafer into the literal body of Christ—it
must be believed or the person is damned.
Maybe the pope could alter the
blessing in order to change the priest into one who won’t rape boys, or nuns that
didn’t plan to be the ‘Bride of Christ’ in that way, as the testimony of nuns
escaped from closed convents would indicate. (YouTube).
Is this just “Catholic bashing”? This
is not against the many sincere Catholics who will be in heaven because they live
up to the light they have and “the times of this ignorance God winks at,” but He
also commands repentance in the time of judgment that is impending. Acts 17:30;
Rev 14.
The pope’s appeal for Sunday closing
of businesses for the sake of global warming is a ruse. The average temperature
has increased less than half a degree Centigrade per decade! And what authority
does he have to talk about the distributing wealth to the poor when he is
sitting on tons of gold? (Google)
His Latin America where countries
have Catholic leadership is such a success that most people there want to
immigrate to the US. The results of this social experiment for centuries should
be clear. The pope’s appeal is strongest to those who are most uninformed of
Bible truth, and this includes the mainstream media and a catholic (little
“c”—go along to get along) US Congress regarding their Constitution.
Dr. Richard Ruhling is a retired
physician with enough Bible courses for a religion major. Since attending a
conference 30 years ago, prophecy has been his special hobby. His Alpha & Omega Bible Code has mostly 5-star
reviews on Amazon Kindle and his websites are http://TheRichardRuhling.com and http://News4Living.wordpress.com