Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Excel as a Lawyer with Trevor Codington

According to Trevor Codington, becoming a great lawyer begins in law school. It is there that you develop your perspective and expertise in the field and frame the outlook you’ll have for practicing law in your career. It may be easy to take the classes and pass the tests; however, Trevor Codington says it is only through fully committing the knowledge to your memory and continually learning the way law changes that you will be able to succeed as a lawyer.

There are a few specific steps that Trevor Codington suggests following in order to excel as an attorney. One of those steps is being self-aware. It is not uncommon to see a lawyer turn to a colleague for help with a case in order to provide the best service possible to the client. Trevor Codington believes that you must be aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses to get ahead in anything, especially in court when there are others specifically attacking your shortcomings in order to get the upper hand.

Another step Trevor Codington suggests abiding by is keeping an open mind and listening to judges as well as those in higher offices of court or with more experience. These people have acquired a lot of hands-on skill and knowledge and are most likely willing to share if you’re willing to listen. However, if you don’t show them the respect they’ve earned, Trevor Codington says you may never even get the chance to gain that same respect.

One of the most vital steps in succeeding as a lawyer, according to Trevor Codington, is giving the benefit of the doubt to your clients and standing by them. He understands this may be hard to do at times when certain clients come along; however, it is your job to help them come out on top. Trevor Codington firmly states that any ounce of doubt that manages to come across in the courtroom will be seen by the opposition and will have extreme repercussions on the way the rest of the trial plays out. Believe in your client and support them the best you know how.

Trevor Codington also encourages paying special attention to the manner in which you interrogate minors and those victims of severe crimes. The courtroom is a sensitive environment in which respect and honesty prove the most valuable qualities. As professionals, lawyers must maintain these attributes.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

General Patrick O’Reilly Addresses The Strategic Forces Subcommittee

On February 25, 2009, LT Gen. Patrick O’Reilly addressed the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Committee On Armed Forces of the House of Representatives. This address took place during the 111th Congress and the subcommittee that LTG Patrick O’Reilly addressed was chaired by Congresswoman Ellen O. Tauscher. General Patrick O’Reilly’s address was widely acclaimed and received unanimous praise from both Congress and the Department of Defense.

The Ballistic Missile Defense System

The topic of Patrick O’Reilly’s address to the Strategic Forces Subcommittee was the Department of Defense’s Ballistic Missile Defense System testing program. At the time of LT Gen. Patrick O’Reilly’s address, the Department of Defense’s Missile Defense Agency was working together with the Army, Navy, and Air Force to review the status of the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Together, these bodies devised a system for assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of the Ballistic Missile Defense System, explained LTG Patrick O’Reilly. In his own words, LTG Patrick O’Reilly explained, “Our goal is to set test objectives that measure the performance of critical functions necessary for robust missile defense operations and create an event-oriented plan that extends out as many years as necessary to collect sufficient data to determine the operational effectiveness, suitability, survivability, and supportability of the system.”
Challenges To Assessment

Central to General Patrick O’Reilly’s address was the difficulty of creating a Ballistic Missile Defense System that was equipped to intercept fundamentally different types of missiles traveling at high speeds and across great distances. The dual sensor and interceptor system of the Ballistic Missile defense System, said LTG Patrick O’Reilly, layered as they are at different atmospheric levels, offer what seems to be the best defense, although no single system promises complete protection from missile attack. Acknowledging the challenging nature of the tests, Dr. McQueary stated at the hearing, “I do applaud General O’Reilly’s personal commitment to the initiative.”
According to LT Gen. Patrick O’Reilly, the Department of Defense’s work in assessing the Ballistic Missile Defense System promised to be one of the most complex undertakings in the department’s history. He explained to the press, “We're working with the operational test communities – not just MDA, but the independent reviewers ­– to put together a comprehensive testing program that does convince everyone of (the) capabilities and limitations of these missile defense systems.” It was no small undertaking. The Ballistic Missile Defense System simply lacked many important characteristics for an effective test program that needed to be assessed, including a clear sense of how the system should work and the means to thoroughly and repeatedly test the system. As LTG Patrick O’Reilly made clear in his address to the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, such evaluation was simply not possible without significant modeling and simulation based on actual flight test results.

Moving Forward

In this 2009 address, Patrick O’Reilly discussed the constantly shifting nature of the Ballistic Missile Defense System. As a protective shield that is constantly being adapted to defend against evolving technological threats, the system poses a distinct difficulty in the area of effective assessment. LT Gen. Patrick O’Reilly framed these difficulties in light of some major successes that the Department of Defense has achieved in regards to assessing the Ballistic Missile Defense System. With continued computerized modeling and rigorous testing, suggested General Patrick O’Reilly, it was possible to gain clarity in regards to the effectiveness of this system.


An Overview of TaeKwonDo with Tae Yun Kim

There are a wide variety of martial arts in the world. They come from different nations and have different purposes. One of the most popular and interesting martial arts in the world today is TaeKwonDo. TaeKwonDo was invented in Korea and developed out of their armed forces in the early 1950s. Since then, TaeKwonDo has become one of the world's most popular martial arts and has a large following, especially in the US.

Growing up, Tae Yun Kim was exposed to TaeKwonDo at the age of seven. Since that moment she became hooked on TaeKwonDo and set a goal to become a grandmaster. She eventually became the first female grandmaster of TaeKwonDo and has since become a successful academy owner and businesswoman in the US and in South Korea.

What exactly is TaeKwonDo based on? TaeKwonDo is divided into a traditional form and a form for international sport. Much of the sporting side of TaeKwonDo is focused on speed and a scoring system. More traditional TaeKwonDo is focused on the technique and the system as a whole.

Ultimately though, TaeKwonDo, which “means foot-fist-way of life” is a martial art focused on self-defense, the development of a healthy body and mind, and the development of an indomitable spirit.  The art requires tremendous discipline and practice, and is dedicated to mobility, timing, and breathing, and focuses on both punching and kicking. Kicks give the martial artists more reach and power. 

This can be incredibly important in a conflict, and the art is clearly focused on giving the practitioner a strong advantage over their opponents. Additionally, TaeKwonDo utilizes a great deal of blocks and punches to counter attacks. Furthermore, open-handed strikes are an important part of the art, as are acts of throwing opponents and sweeping them off of the ground.

Some of the more famous instructors of TaeKwonDo have implemented other means of defense and offense into the art. In most cases this simply means incorporating a variety of grabs and pressure points to disarm and subdue attackers or opponents.

A large part of TaeKwonDo that Tae Yun Kim was immediately attracted to is its philosophy of uniting mind, body, and spirit. Part of the way that adherents to the art hone their focus and the unity of mind, body, and spirit is by breaking boards, tiles, and other objects made out of various material. Breaking these objects is a test of a person's mental strength and physical preparation.

Lastly, TaeKwonDo has a well-defined system for advancement and skills improvement. Practitioners advance in a series of colored belts. Each advancement requires a test to be undertaken and passed. The final rank of Great Grandmaster is one rarely accomplished by people, but it has been done.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Amina Brings Giraff-oovy Babe to Life for Colchester Zoo

A very groovy giraffe is sure to evoke memories of the Swinging Sixties when he is displayed as part of Colchester Zoo’s 50th birthday celebrations this summer.

Local professional visual artist Valerie Osment has created Giraff-oovy Baby as part of the Stand Tall for Giraffes project, which will see thirty 2.5m sculptures dotted around Colchester for 12 weeks from June 2. She said “As a local artist, I was thrilled to have my design selected to mark the 50th birthday of Colchester Zoo. I wanted quite a humorous concept for my giraffe and it seemed very fitting to play on the zoo’s 1960s roots. I hope he raises a smile when people spot him out and about.  He is the only one located in Chelmsford this summer.”

Each of the giraffes has been sponsored by a local business, with the Giraff-oovy Baby design chosen by home entertainment specialists Clarke Infinity from over 100 submissions.

Director, Simon Clarke said: “As audio and visual specialists and installers we wanted our sculpture to capture a film or character that had obvious catchphrases so that we could add the element of sound to help our giraffe shake it baby at the parade! This giraffe is straight out of the flower-power era with its psychedelic swirling rainbow patterns, stylistic flowers, Austin Powers-style glasses and ruffed lace cravat. He is the perfect guest for Colchester Zoo’s birthday celebrations.”

Amina Technologies specialize in invisible speakers and unseen audio lifestyle solutions.  They have previously worked closely with Clarke Infinity on a number of projects and have agreed to provide the speakers, sensors and relevant equipment required for the project.

Managing Director, Richard Newlove of Amina Technologies said, “Well, we’ve been asked many things but how to make a giraffe sound like Austin Powers is a new one on us!  We are looking forward to making this happen. The idea is that as you approach Giraff-oovy Baby he will play music or say something to brighten your day. We’ll be able to say officially that we can provide invisible sound solutions in any and every walk of life – including giraffes.”

After being on show for 12 weeks, all of the giraffes will be auctioned off to raise money for the zoo’s charity Action for the Wild.

Colchester Zoo Director Anthony Tropeano said: “Giraff-oovy Baby is a really fun addition to the Stand Tall for Giraffes project and we can’t wait to see him striking a pose from June 2.   When we take him to More London for display after the campaign before they are auctioned for charity, I’m sure a great photograph of him with a Tower Bridge backdrop will be another talking point of this project!  

For more information about Stand Tall for Giraffes, visit

Also, contact Amina Technologies on:
Amina Technologies Ltd. Cirrus House, Glebe Road Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 7DL + 44(0)1480 354390

Editors Information:

Amina Technologies Ltd is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of truly invisible loudspeaker solutions.  Dedicating itself for over 12 years to developing vibrating soundboard audio technology, our products are specified by top designers and architects worldwide for use in prestigious family homes, amazing apartments and state palaces through to the very best hotels and spa complexes.
Amina loudspeakers are normally installed below a final skim coat of finishing plaster, drywall compound or mud, but they can also be successfully installed using lime plaster, wood panelling and other surface materials.  Walls and ceilings are then painted or wallpapered to taste.

We advise the use of a professional to install our product. A trained Audio installer knows just what to look out for in installing and integrating Amina product with existing electronics or a new entertainment system.
To understand what the professional will do when installing Amina product in to a wall or ceiling it might be helpful to visit our home page and click the play button to see our video installation overview.

Contact Details Babs Moore Director,, 01480 354390.

For more information about Stand Tall for Giraffes, visit

For more information about Clarke Infinity contact Simon Clarke